SwitchResX – Download

Click the green arrow below to download the latest version


Try It Out!

SwitchResX can make life with an Apple Mac so much easier - so why not give it a try?
Here you can download the latest version (4.13.5) of SwitchResX.

It's a free try-out version which is fully functional for 10 days.

If you like SwitchResX, or SwitchResX has helped you, please think to register your software.
You can then continue to load all your custom settings again and also set up new ones.

If you are using MacOS X from 10.11 El Capitan to 10.15 Catalina, please take a look at this page.

Registering SwitchResX

Registering SwitchResX is 14€. You can buy the license on the FastSpring Store.
Remember you can (and should!) try the software for free at first during 10 days, and register after having tried it !

Simply register online or click the following button:

Add to Order

Note that this registration is not a subscription ! Registering SwitchResX is definitive and entitles you to get lifetime updates to all future versions of SwitchResX 4.x. As such no refund can be granted once registered ! Please thus try SwitchResX and be sure that it works for you the way you want before registering !

SwitchResX - User manual

You can also download the Read Me file that is normally installed with the whole package above, as standalone download:
Click here to download SwitchResX Read Me PDF documentation (English only)

Upgrade SwitchResX

If you’re a registered user of SwitchResX 3.x or 4.x, you can update for free to the latest version (4.13.5) .
All updates to all 4.x versions will remain free for you.

Need An Older Version?

Please check on this page.