On supported Macs:
SwitchResX includes a function to remove a display from the System's list of managed display.
This means the display in question, once deactivated, will not be visible from the System or from any application. Only SwitchResX will be able to activate the display again.
To get this option active, open the SwitchResX Settings (or SwitchResX Preferences) application, go in the "Menus" section, select "Enable/Disable displays" and you'll get the option in one of the SwitchResX menus
Please also note that if you have mirroring enabled, the menu item will NOT show. So be also sure to disable video mirroring.

At this time, this function is working on
Intel Macs with some drawbacks that are mentioned in
this section of the FAQ.
Apple Silicon Macs, the function is supported beginning with macOS Ventura, if you use SwitchResX version 4.13 or above.
This function being new on Apple Silicon, so there may be new drawbacks that I'm not aware of.